News & Blogs

Here you will find information on the services we offer including payment blogs, payment industry news and new services that will benefit your business.

Time To Reduce Running Costs

Time To Reduce Running Costs

Business Saving MeasuresThis is a dreadful time for the country, people’s health and all the businesses throughout the land. As we seek guidance from daily updates on how to stay safe and look after our loved ones, we must consider what affect this is having on...

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Payments through apps and websites

Payments through apps and websites

Payments through Apps and Websites As business owners we are moving away from the High Street shopping and our strategic sales plans are ever evolving into online sales and custom-made apps for shopping. Online sales have steadily increased over the years with the...

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FPMS Payment Terminal Cleaning Instructions

FPMS Payment Terminal Cleaning Instructions

Good hygiene and cleanliness are now more important than ever to protect both Merchants, their staff, and customers. The payment terminal serves as a frequent contact point between customers and Merchants. For your safety we would therefore like to remind you how to...

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Online Sales

Online Sales

Online Sales Why your business need an eCommerce accountOnline sales have steadily increased over the past 10 years with as you would expect a huge leap for 2020. Looking back to 2006 online sales accounted for only 2.8% of retail sales, which has steadily rose by...

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Virtual Terminals

Virtual Terminals

Virtual TerminalsTake payments by phone, email, mail order or face to face.What Is A Virtual Terminal Similar to an eCommerce account, a virtual terminal is a web-based application that enables you to take payments by phone, mail order, email, or face to face. You can...

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The Meadows Business Park



GU17 9AB

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The Atrium Building

20 Wollaton Street



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0208 102 8100


0208 102 8004

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Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

First payments with DNA payments